Sunday, May 27, 2007

These Days

So, I've been thinking about how big of a deal a change in your life can be. For instance, I am broke. Sadly, this is not the change. The change is that I decided to, you know, fix it. So, now I'm on a really tight budget. And it totally sucks. But then I think, what does this REALLY matter in the long term scheme of things? Think about your parents. Do you know what their life was like when they were 23? Sure, I knew my parents were living in D.C., (I think), and that my dad was going to law school, etc. But what was their life like? What did they do with their friends? Who WERE their friends? And then that makes me think, are all of the things that I freak out about now really going to matter? Also, and mainly, it's very weird to think that everything that's important and concrete in my life right now might not be in ten years. Does that change? When I'm 33, will I feel this way about 43?

Meh. Who knows? I like to live in the here and now. And that now is online swimsuit shopping.

(P.S. Carey, if you read this, I can't find my swimsuit, but there's a a really cute one at Old Navy for $14.50. The real question is, black or blue?)

(P.P.S. This is cute, too.)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I love Stephen Colbert.

A year ago, Stephen Colbert told everyone that to go on Wikipedia and change the elephant page to say that the elephant population has tripled. Today, the creator of Wikipedia was the guest. So, anticipating a little internet fun, I went onto Wikipedia. During the interview, Colbert mention Albert Einstein, oxygen, and librarians. Before I even got to the Albert Einstein and librarian pages, they had been locked. Then I found this on the oxygen page.

When I reloaded the page after I took this screenshot, the page was back to normal, and it had been locked. Sometimes it's the littlest things in life that make you smile the biggest.

Also, after a year of seeing fraud after fraud after fraud, someone got caught. That made me smile, too.

Thanks, Adam.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Song, My Life

So, my sister started a blog, and now I have to as well. It's what younger sisters do. Here we go...

I titled my blog "Don't Stop Believin'." If anyone who is reading this actually knows me, you will understand the title. It's my favorite song. It's the ring on my cell phone (which, coincidently, is also my alarm in the morning). It's My Song. But, I believe the brilliance of the song is underestimated. Don't stop believing. It's a good motto. It's a very good motto when you're 23, a year out of college, with a BFA in Theater, and a fantastic job as a Lead Cashier at the Apple Store. I don't know if you know what a Lead Cashier is, but not only am I a full time cashier, I'm the HEAD full time cashier. That means I'm the boss. Sometimes. Like, if you bought something 15 days ago, and you want to return it, I have to say that it's ok. So, I mean, I basically run the store. And every morning I wake up, and I say to myself, "I wonder what asshole I'm going to fight with over a $7.90 restocking fee today." And I get out of bed. I shower. I walk the six blocks to the subway. I push my way onto the train (at the door that's right next to the pole by the benches, so when I get off, I can run right up the steps to catch the W downtown). I get off the train. I stop at the Dean & Deluca cart and get my morning coffee (a ritual that is never broken - not even when I'm two hours late). I walk into the store. I then get yelled at by people who are blessed with about half my intelligence. Some of those people are customers and some of those people are employees. It's a pretty even split. Then I leave work, walk the two blocks to the subway, and once again push my way onto the train. As I get off the train in Brooklyn, I see the only bit of sunlight I will get to enjoy that day. I walk home and try to find my key in the pitch black of our hallway. No matter how many times we change that light bulb, it keeps burning out. Then I sit on the couch, maybe watch an episode of CSI:Miami, and I go to bed. Then I wake up the next morning. But I wake up to Journey. To my daily motto. Don't Stop Believin'. Because I know that, one day, I will wake up to that song and found that I've finally made it. Cause I never stopped believing.

Now if I could just figure out what "making it" really is...